A Dignified Existence

The Messenger

From the Editors - Winter 2017

Inside Issue 34

'Comfort Women'

What Is A Dissident? And Other Questions.

Archive: You Wait For Me With Dust

The Lesson of Liu Xiaobo

The Lesson of Liu Xiaobo

Tammy Ho Lai-Ming
Jul 15th, 2017

Liu Xiaobo is dead. That’s a fact. And that his death was at least indirectly caused by the cruelty and immorality of the Chinese government is obvious to anyone who has access to information about Liu and his imprisonment.

When I heard the news of Liu’s parole, my first thought was that he was about to die. He wouldn’t otherwise have been allowed to leave prison. The fact of a Nobel Prize winner dying behind bars would be simply too damaging to the authorities.


Tammy Ho Lai-Ming
Hong Kong
Last blog date: Jul 15th, 2017

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